A typical OAuth 1.0 flow in simple words

  1. Construct a client with its client credentials.

  2. Send an HTTPS request for temporary credentials with a callback URL which the server will call with an OAuth verification code after authorizing the resource owner (end-user).

  3. Obtain temporary credentials from a successful server response.

  4. Use the temporary credentials to build an authorization URL and redirect the resource owner (end-user) to the generated URL.

  5. If a callback URL is not provided when requesting temporary credentials, the server displays the OAuth verification code to the resource owner (end-user), which she then types into your application.


    If a callback URL is provided, the server redirects the resource owner (end-user) after authorization to your callback URL attaching the OAuth verification code as a query parameter.

  6. Using the obtained OAuth verification code from step 5 and the temporary credentials obtained in step 3, send an HTTPS request for token credentials.

  7. Obtain token credentials from a successful server response.

  8. Save the token credentials for future use (say, in a database).

Accessing a resource

  1. Construct a client with its client credentials.
  2. Using the token credentials that you have saved (say, in a database), send an HTTP request to a resource URL.
  3. Obtain the response and deal with it.

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